Funeral service is at Guildford Crematorium on Thursday 29th September 2022 at 2:15 pm.
The wake will be held after the service at, The Manor Inn Beefeater, Guildford Road, Godalming, GU7 3BX. It is approximately a 2min drive, 14min walk from the Crematorium with ample parking.
For those who cannot attend, the service will be cast live. Please find the details below.
Password 153715
Service Date Thursday 29th September
Service Time 2:15pm
Service Viewing Time 2:10pm - 2:50pm
Once the viewing window has passed the Live Webcast will then automatically close and a message will appear saying "This funeral service has now finished". We will aim to get the watch again Webcast back online on Thursday 06th October, where it will be available to view until Tuesday 08th November using the same Login Information.